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CBS 2 News Team

Harold Greene
Welcome - You've arrived at the home pages of the CBS 2 News anchors and reporters. Can you tell who from this list is a former member of the NFL? Or just want to learn more about the community involvement of anchors and reporters at CBS 2 News?

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Linda Alvarez Linda Alvarez Catherine Anaya Catherine Anaya
Bogey Bogey Linda Breakstone Linda Breakstone
Michael Brownlee Michael Brownlee Gretchen Carr Gretchen Carr
Mike Castellucci Mike Castellucci Jim Castillo Jim Castillo
Sophia Choi Sophia Choi Mike Coogan Mark Coogan
Paul Dandridge Paul Dandridge Jonathan Elias Jonathan Elias
Juan Fernandez Juan Fernandez Aaron Fitzgerald Aaron Fitzgerald
Harold Green Harold Greene Drew Griffin Drew Griffin
Joel Grover Joel Grover Thelma Gutierrez
Steve Hartman Steve Hartman Jim Hill Jim Hill
Helen Kumari Helen Kumari Bret Lewis Bret Lewis
Dave Lopez Dave Lopez Ann Martin Ann Martin
Randy Paige Randy Paige David Sheehan David Sheehan
Jim Thornton Jim Thornton Tony Williams Tony Williams
Pamela Wright Pamela Wright

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